Heathrow T5 Bus Stop
LONDON BUSES | Heathrow Terminal Five

We were asked to design a bespoke Bus Stop for London's Heathrow Terminal Five, one of the world largest international airports, creating a seamless journey from aeroplane to Bus.
The freestanding two-sided totem style design is easily identifiable at street level, providing a visual landmark and bus time information to passengers on their entry into London.
The modern design shows a modern service with a strong corporate identity, reflecting TFL’s brand language. The simple design, with reduced extraneous details, self-cleaning surface treatment, and anti-tamper design details, ensures a fit for the purpose product solution. Key to cost reduction was utilising existing components from TFL’s London Bus stop. We achieved this through a visibly coherent information layout.
Transport for London has the oldest section of underground railway in the world and boasts a rich design heritage. Critical to the final design is a product that honours and builds upon its brand language.
Our Way Studio's experience in designing Urban Furniture products, ensured a timeless contemporary design aesthetic, within a tight budget, merging great design with efficient engineering.
Transport for London has the oldest section of underground railway in the world and boasts a rich design heritage. Critical to the new design is a product that honors and builds upon TFL’s brand language.
“TfL’s design language combines an expression of precise engineering skills with softened organic forms. A well designed, confident and consistent visual identity is highly effective in communicating the strengths of our organisation.“
Nigel Marsden
Group Marketing Director, TfL
“Max provides creative and innovative design ideas and solutions within the confines of a public authority. “
Ivan Bennett
Research & Development Manager, London Buses
BRAND tfl.gov.uk
PHOTO Our Way Studio | Brunel Johnson

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